
2024 Annual Homeowners Meeting

Thursday, May 16, 2024
7:00pm- 8:30pm


Attendance: Board members present: President Jordan Moore, Secretary Brynn Graham. 15 HOA members joined the meeting via Zoom.

Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Jordan started the meeting with a quick overview of the agenda.

Old Business

Treasurer report

The final 2023 total HOA dues revenues were $7,182. The total 2023 HOA expenses were $6,955. That leaves $227 net cash flow.

Bank Balance as of 12/31/23: $4,802.70

2024 Total Income to date is $9,649, which includes:

It was asked whether outreach had been made to those with outstanding balances. Brynn responded that Steven has reached out to them reminding them to make their payments. For those whose checks were voided, the board will work with them to get new checks and cash them in a timely manner.

Brynn asked whether the landscaper has planned cost increases due to inflation. Jordan said they have not communicated any planned increases.

A question was asked about tree removal and what we have planned. Jordan responded there is no active plan to remove trees. Instead it is usually the case that the board needs to approve tree removal either for a dead or dying tree in open space areas, or after a windstorm if a tree is partially down in the HOA open space and needs to be removed for safety.

Past board treasurer Susan Mott requested that the Treasurer report not list her name with a $200 withdrawal from January 2024. She requested it be listed as a bank error. She expressed concerns that the board does not have strong enough fiscal policies in place and said after leaving the Treasurer position in May 2023 her name should have been taken off the HOA checking account.

Discussion ensued. It was ultimately agreed the board would update the meeting minutes and Treasurer report with the outcome of visit to Sound Credit Union by Susan and Jordan on May 17, 2024.*

*After visiting Sound Credit Union on May 17, 2024 it was determined that the bank pulled money from the wrong account (the HOA account) when Susan made an in-person withdrawal. Her personal account is at the same bank. Susan reimbursed the HOA the $200 that was erroneously removed.

During the meeting Jordan clarified the board has received conflicting information from Sound Credit Union on how to transfer bank access between board members when positions transition between people.

He was told by Sound Credit Union that going forward HOA general meeting minutes must clearly state the transfer of power from one person to their replacement so the bank can see a clear transfer of power.

Update on the noxious weeds around the pond

Tansy ragwort weeds were identified on the south side of the pond. The HOA board requested a quote from Zetino’s landscaping to remove the weeds. The estimate came back at $900.

Jordan did further research and learned the weeds are Class B noxious weeds. This classification means the weed is not required to be removed, per state law. In Pierce County the weed is so prevalent that they no longer can control it. To prevent further growth one would have to continuously spray herbicides or lay down ground cover to keep it from spreading.

A question was asked if Gig Harbor would maintain the space, but it was pointed out they don’t have authority over the privately HOA-owned space where the ragwort exists.

Howard Cushner asked whether HOA member Todd Stakset has equipment that can remove the vegetation. Todd said he did and was willing to donate it. Discussion then ensued about whether to use the donated equipment to remove the unwanted vegetation.

Brynn suggested it would be cheaper to go with the landscaper to pull and remove the noxious weeds than volunteers having to dispose of the noxious weeds by bagging and taking to the dump.

It was agreed before proceeding with any action the board needs to know the total cost that could be incurred. The Landscape Committee was asked to develop a removal and replanting plan that includes cost estimates.

The board would then review and decide how to proceed based on overall costs associated.

Posting signs on open space

Joel Mott and Greg Wolfe posted temporary Keep Out/Private Property signs on the HOA-owned property border along 38th Street and Briarwood Lane to make it clear it is private property.

Jordan removed the temporary signs this week and installed three permanent signs. The signs are on the border of the wooded property. There is one sign left if someone wants to add it somewhere. Having the signs in place makes it easier for police to trespass someone from the property who does not belong there.

New Business

Summer picnic date and planning

The HOA annual picnic is Sept. 15, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. at the pond on 36th Ave. The board is seeking volunteers to help plan the neighborhood picnic. This includes lining up whether we want to have a barbecue there for people to cook their food. Erin Floersch volunteered to help plan the event.

Setting the date for the fall board meeting

It was agreed the next board meeting is Thursday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m.

Board elections

Brynn introduced the slate for the 2024-2025 HOA Board. It included:

The floor was opened for additional nominations for the various positions. There were no nominations from the floor.

Brynn called for the vote from the members in attendance. The following people were elected to the 2024-2025 Heronwood Estates HOA Board.

Architectural Control Committee members continue to be Shaun Floersch and Joel Mott, who both confirmed they would remain on the ACC for another term.

With the election, President Jordan Moore and Treasurer Erin Floersch are the two people authorized to have access to the HOA Sound Credit Union bank account, per the Heronwood Estates HOA bylaws that state the president and treasurer should have co-signing authority.

In response to earlier discussions about fiscal policies, Brynn proposed creating fiscal guidelines to better monitor HOA bank transactions. Jordan proposed that the board have a two week deadline to remove bank access to the HOA account following board elections.

It was agreed that some form of accountability be in place. Brynn will draft language to share with the board via email. Once the board agrees on the language it will be posted to the HOA website and shared with members.

Public Comment

Tom Gonzalez asked what the HOA could do to clear downed branches to prepare for the upcoming dry season.

Joel expressed concern about the common areas between homes that are thick with fallen debris, noting they are hard to get through.

Susan shared the Landscape Committee is currently working to clean up the shared open spaces. That includes removing invasive weeds and replanting with native plants. Once this work is done the committee wants to contact property owners to ask if they will help clear overgrown open space areas abutting their property.

Brynn noted the board can send an email to all members with resource links to help homeowners prepare their property for fire season. This will include a message that people should not dump yard waste on HOA-owned open space.