
Q4 Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, November 16, 2023
7:00pm- 8:30pm
Zoom (contact for details)



Meeting called to order at 7:09 p.m.

Brynn made a motion to approve meeting minutes. It was seconded by Steven, approved unanimously.

Old Business

Riding lawn mower

The board asked the Landscaping Committee for clarification on the trailer and hitch purchase previously requested. Susan Mott provided an update saying Howard Cushner wanted the trailer and said he would store the trailer and would use the trailer to haul water.

Brynn made a motion to donate the riding lawn mower to Greg Wolfe, per the recommendation from the Landscaping Committee. Steven seconded it.

Under discussion Jordan asked if the lawnmower were to break down or if Greg were to decide he no longer wants it, it is his discretion to do with it what he wants to do. It was agreed, yes, that if it’s gifted to him, it is his to do with it what he wants.

The motion passed 3-0.

New Business

2024 Budget

Steven reported out the 2024 budget projections.

As of Nov. 16, 2023 there is $5,596.70 in the account. The PO Box annual rental recently was processed for $280. The expected end of year budget is $4,316.70.

See the full budget projections in this spreadsheet.

Steven noted the Annual Reserve section, saying the board always wants $2,000 in the account. This is for emergency contingency funds, unscheduled tree removal or other unexpected costs. If we don’t use it, it carries over to the next year.

Big expense items the board has cover (not annually):

We should reserve funds each year for these expenses and earmark them for that use so when it is time to make the purchases the money is available.

A section of the budget also lists the BAT Lady pass-through testing costs. The HOA does not pay for this, but as a courtesy for owners collects the funds and pays the invoice with those funds once the backflow testing is complete.

Jordan proposed removing the trailer hitch and the trailer from the budget because the board will no longer own the mower, following tonight’s action to give the mower to Greg Wolfe. He proposed still having the conversation with Howard about his plans for the trailer and if it is decided to purchase it, the board can return it to the budget.

Susan had a question about the purchase of signs, asking what the signs would be and where they would be placed. She recommended placing the signs around the open spaces of the HOA to make it clear it is private property and that there is no trespassing to help if the HOA ever needed to involve law enforcement with trespassing people from its property.

Susan also asked about removing the Tansy Ragwort and what that cost would be and whether that should be budgeted. Steven responded that a fully developed plan for how to remove and replant should be determined first, and then incorporated into the budget based on the plan.

Brynn will investigate the removal and develop a plan to replant to prevent it. She will provide an update to the board and landscape committee once it’s done.

Brynn motioned to approve the proposed 2024 Budget. Jordan seconded.

The motion passed 3-0.

Board meeting frequency

2024 was the first year that the board met quarterly.

Brynn noted that the meetings were increased for 2024 to try to get more people to attend and because there were a lot of items that had to get done to get the dues assessment vote before members.

Now that that business has been completed, Brynn suggested the board meeting two or three times a year.

Steven agreed, suggesting two times a year.

Jordan concurred, noting it was good to meet in November to review and approve the upcoming year’s budget.

It was decided that everyday items can be handled via email or phone calls. And if the board is doing any action items via email it will notify the membership of that action. The board can always call a special meeting if board action is needed.

The board will decide at its May meeting when the Fall meeting will be held. That way if new board members are elected they can plan the date.

2024 Summer Picnic Date

Survey was sent out to HOA members in 2023 and there was no strong date that rose to the top for the event, which is why the board never sent out a 2023 picnic date.

The board picked Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024 12:30 p.m. at the summer HOA picnic date. The idea is to keep it low-key and have people bring their own food items potluck style.

Annual Assessments/Dues

Payments are due Jan. 15 of each year.

Jordan asked if Steven wanted to set a date to get the assessments done. Steven said TBD because he may just do them over the course of the next couple of weekends.

Landscape Committee report

Susan provided an update from the committee. The committee met Nov. 1, 2023. They set two work party dates for 2024. More dates will follow. They are:

The committee talked about having tree chips delivered at the lower sign. The committee asked for them to be delivered whenever they are available. The group will spread them as they arrive. They want a thicker layer of chips to prevent the blackberries from coming back after removing them this year.

As chips are available the Landscape Committee will get them dropped off and then email the board. The board will email the membership to let them know help is needed to spread the chips.

The committee has 10 native plants that they want to plant by the lower sign. This action is in alignment with the board-approved plan to clean out the invasive plants from the greenbelt starting with 38th and replacing them with native plants.

The Sept. 30 work party was held and committee members continued to remove blackberries along the open space at 38th.

Two Landscape Committee meetings for 2024 are set:

Susan concluded her report.

Jordan opened the floor to discussion.

Joel Mott brought up that branches are down due to the recent wind storm and not in the areas maintained by the landscape company. The branches are in the right-of-way along Briarwood from 36th to 38th. The branches are down on the back of the properties that have fences.

The board will send out an email to tell people to check their properties for downed trees and they should remove the larger limbs that may have fallen behind a fence onto the sidewalk area.

Jordan will also speak with the landscaping company about storm cleanup and helping pick up the bigger items.

Meeting adjourned 8:22 p.m.