
2022 Annual Homeowner's Meeting

Thursday, May 12, 2022
Zoom (details will be sent via our newsletter)


Meeting started shortly after 7 p.m.

Board members in attendance: President Jordan Moore, Treasurer Tom Gonzalez, Secretary Brynn Graham

Residents: 17 (includes 3 board members)

Treasurer Tom Gonzalez gave the Treasurer’s Report: Ending balance for the HOA account (as of May 9, 2022) is $7,461.39. Largest expense for the year was cutting the large cottonwood tree by the pond.

Tom reviewed expenditures for the year including recurring costs like annual maintenance of blowing sidewalks and mowing, insurance costs, and then one-time costs associated with hauling blackberries from the pond clearing.

Discussion was had about the open spaces within the HOA and it was noted someone saw a treehouse-like structure built in the wooded open space bordering Briarwood Lane and 38th Avenue. The board members will take a look to confirm this and determine how to proceed, as no structures are allowed on HOA property without board approval.

Maintenance Conversation

More gravel is necessary to fill the path to the pond, which has washed away/moved away through use and vehicles going in for the cleanup and tree cutting.

It was proposed to add gravel and timber to go around the newly built picnic table to make it easier to maintain/mow the pond area.

There is a need for people to help maintain the sidewalk strip and the sign/entrance areas of the neighborhood. People whose property borders Briarwood or 38th are responsible for maintaining their section of the sidewalk strip. Jordan has called landscape companies to inquire about getting new bark for the strips. There was a suggestion about doing more than bark for the strip - wildflowers, strawberries, etc. A group will meet to brainstorm low-maintenance ideas.

There are cottonwood rounds still at the pond that need to be collected and removed. A neighbor offered his log splitter to split the rounds. It was decided it will be done Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 28, 2022. Volunteers are needed to help with splitting and hauling away. 10 a.m. start time.

Fireworks Amendment

Background: Members were asked to vote at the end of 2021/start of 2022 on an amendment to the bylaws to prohibit fireworks (this is the second time membership was asked to ban fireworks). The measure failed to reach the required 75% approval threshold as required in the CCRs to make the change (it was two votes shy of passing, 42 approved, 15 denied, 1 outstanding vote).

A group of members agreed to meet to brainstorm ideas for going forward and how to raise awareness in the neighborhood about fireworks safety and whether to run another vote to ban them through an amendment to the HOA governing documents.

The board will send out communication in advance of the Fourth of July to remind people of the rules around which fireworks are legal and when they are allowed in city limits.

It was suggested to add an emergency management plan for the neighborhood to respond to natural disasters and evacuation plans. More information will be gathered from Pierce County’s Department of Emergency Management which has neighborhood programs.

HOA Picnic

A date was set for the Heronwood Estates HOA annual picnic: Saturday, Aug. 27 at 12 p.m. The board will provide drinks and other supplies, neighbors are to bring dishes from home to share or feed themselves. More information will be sent closer to the event.

Board Elections

Thanks were extended to Tom Gonzalez for his time on the board as Treasurer.

Slate opened:

The Board approved removing Tom Gonzalez and adding Jordan Moore, President, and Susan Mott, Treasurer, to have bank signing authority with the Heronwood Estates HOA account at Sound Credit Union.

Meeting adjourned shortly after 9 p.m.