
2021 Annual Homeowner's Meeting

Thursday, June 24, 2021


Meeting started shortly after 7 p.m.

Board members in attendance: President Jordan Moore, Treasurer Tom Gonzalez, Secretary Brynn Graham

Residents: 8 (includes 3 board members)

Treasurer Tom Gonzalez gave the Treasurer’s Report: Ending balance for the HOA account is $7,359.67.

Tom reviewed expenditures for the year including recurring costs like annual maintenance of sidewalks and mowing, backflow testing (BAT lady), annual report cost,e tc.. Unplanned expenses included a tree that fell from HOA property into a neighbor’s yard outside the HOA. The board hired tree service to cut down and remove the tree.

All owners have paid their dues, except for two properties - one is in escrow and one realized they never paid and the board is awaiting payment.

Board elections

Slate opened:

Jordan Moore re-elected president Brynn Graham re-elected secretary Tom Gonzalez re-elected treasurer

Architectural Modifications

Reviewed what work on private property is required to get architectural modification approval. A full list can be found online at

The floor was opened for volunteers to join the Architectural Control Committee: Shaun Floersch, Larry Johnson volunteered. Shaun Floersch will serve as ACC Chair.

Old Business

Pond drainage: There had been a complaint from a neighbor on 36th Ave about the jointly owned pond flooding their property a few years ago. Lawyers were hired and it was determined an ecological study was necessary to see whose responsibility it would be to drain the pond/maintain it - the HOA, the city of Gig Harbor or Pierce County. The cost to do this was prohibitive so the plan was put on hold. No reported flooding since that report. It is believed the culvert flows into the pond.

Brynn will reach out on behalf of the board to see what the stormwater management plans are for the 38th Street road improvements and what potential impact that could have on the pond.

Fireworks amendment: Previously membership was asked to vote on banning fireworks within the HOA. At the time the majority vote requirement was met, but not enough people voted in favor to approve the ban. It was requested that a second vote be held to see if people have changed their minds about banning fireworks. It was also noted that the city of Gig Harbor recently updated its code around fireworks, which takes effect in 2022.

It was proposed the matter be voted on next year when the annual dues statements go out. A ballot will be included with the statement and property owners will be asked to send the ballot back with their payment and decide whether to ban fireworks.

New Business

38th Street road improvement project: Phase 1 of this city of Gig Harbor road improvement project is starting at the end of June and will build sidewalks from Briarwood up to Goodman Middle School/Harbor Heights Elementary. Future phases will develop sidewalks from Hunt Street to 50th. It is unknown if the section between 50th and Briarwood is planned.

Briarwood Lane Median Maintenance: Help was requested to maintain the strip of dirt/beauty bark along the sidewalk that runs along Briarwood Lane. It’s a big commitment and currently only one resident is doing it consistently. In 2018 the HOA paid for a landscape company to weed, lay landscape fabric and beauty bark. The cost was $11,000.

It was decided to send an email to residents to see if people are willing to get together for a weekend work party to help with cleanup/wedding along the median. Information will go out soon with those details.

Summer picnic: It was decided to wait one more year before resuming the annual summer HOA picnic. The next picnic date will be set at the 2022 annual HOA meeting.

Resident comments

New neighbors introduced themselves.

One resident suggested all residents get emailed the CCRs so everyone knows what is/is not permitted under the HOA rules. It was agreed an email would go out with links to the HOA website ( and general information around the HOA covenants.

Meeting adjourned shortly after 8 p.m.